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Tetsunabeya (鉄鍋屋) | OkinawaOishi.com

Introduce to restaurants and cafes with scathing criticism

Tetsunabeya (鉄鍋屋)


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Located in Ginowan City “liquor and Chinese shop Tetsunabeka (鉄鍋屋)”
You can catch this shop on your left before the intersection Isa from the Futenma temple.

Main food of this shop is Chinese.
One of Chinese is dumplings.


This is “grilled dumplings”
piping hot dumplings on the piping hot iron pot.

In addition this is shrimp of iron pan cooking.


This is “large shrimp chili sauce stir-fry.”
This of course is large shrimps on iron pot of piping hot.

Shrimps is delicious.

Check the official site of Tetsunabeya
Check the other sites of Tetsunabeya
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