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Category | OkinawaOishi.com

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Archive for the ‘ Category ’ Category

Cafe Okinawa vessel mofgmona


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We went to the "cafe Okinawa vessel mofgmona". Cafes as well, with a focus on Okinawa vessel "Yachimun" also sells gener…

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Sobadokoro Kikuya


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I went to the shop of Okinawa soba "soba Kikuya" located in Tahara Naha Koroku Station near Yui Rail. This restaurant is…

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Uonoana YuuYuu Awase store


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We went to the tavern "Uonoana YuuYuu Awase store"in the Okinawa City Awase. Okinawa cuisine also tavern around the mat…

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Handmade Japanese Soba Matsudaira


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I went to Japan near the shops "Japanese soba Matsudaira". This shop is located in the foreigner residential area in Ur…

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Ristorante Italiano The Rose Garden


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We went to the Italian restaurant "restaurant Rose Garden The Rose Garden" in the Kitanakagusuku village Yagibaru. Thi…

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We went to the cafe "Cafe Pipineo PIPINEO" in the vicinity of the Gushikawa Port at Uruma Akano. Cinnamon roll is also …

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Udonyama Shintoshin


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I went to the store "Yuntaku Udonyama Omoromachi store" of Okinawa soba. This shop is located in the Apple Town second …

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Izakaya Ichimatsu


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I went to the shop "Izakaya Ichimatsu" located around the Ryukyu University. One that ate is this. This is Ch…

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spice cafe hochi hochi


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I went to the shop of Thai food "Spice Cafe Hochihochi" to the foreigner residential area in Urasoe Minatogawa. This…

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Thai Resort Dining Thaicoon


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We went to the "Thai Resort Dining Thaicoon Tycoon" in the area which is located on the edge of the Sunabe coast. I …

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