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spice cafe hochi hochi | OkinawaOishi.com

Introduce to restaurants and cafes with scathing criticism

spice cafe hochi hochi


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I went to the shop of Thai food “Spice Cafe Hochihochi”
to the foreigner residential area in Urasoe Minatogawa.

This neighborhood has many cafes that reuse the gaijin house.
ryukyu ramen spicy curry teianda” is also one of them.

This was to eat this time.


It is Gapaoraisu which has become one of the classic Thai cuisine.

The other is this.


This is Thailand ramen (Thailand rice noodles).

Both are feeling a little hot.
It might be a bit different from the authentic Thai cuisine.
But it is has been approachable easy to taste Thai cuisine arrange for the Japanese.

The atmosphere in the shop


I feel calm in the fashionable.

Check the official site of spice cafe hochi hochi
Check the other sites of spice cafe hochi hochi
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