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Urasoe | OkinawaOishi.com

Introduce to restaurants and cafes with scathing criticism

Archive for the ‘ Urasoe ’ Category

Handmade Japanese Soba Matsudaira


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I went to Japan near the shops "Japanese soba Matsudaira". This shop is located in the foreigner residential area in Ur…

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Tedako Soba


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Tedako Soba

I went to the shop of Okinawa soba "Tedako Soba". This shop is located near from the Hall Dako on Ya Urasoe City Museum…

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ryukyu ramen spicy curry teianda


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I went to the "Ryukyu lamian spice curry teianda Teianda" in Urasoe Minatogawa. Ramen and curry is a completely differ…

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I went to Okinawa soba shop "Agariya" in the Urasoe Iso. Of course there is Okinawa Sobaa Soki soba, but I think that …

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