Miyako Soba & So-ki Soba Inaka Aja

I went to the “Miyako buckwheat and Soki Soba country Aja store”.
This shop is a shop of Okinawa soba in Aja Naha.
This shop is very cheap.
You can eat Soki Soba at 350 yen.
The Soki Soba is this.
Inari next to the Soba is 50 yen.
Of course, there is also a juicy.
Atmosphere of the shop is the feeling that cheap soba shop itself.
Lost and Found has stored here.
Check the official site of Miyako Soba & So-ki Soba Inaka Aja
Check the other sites of Miyako Soba & So-ki Soba Inaka Aja
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