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Sobadokoro Kikuya | OkinawaOishi.com

Introduce to restaurants and cafes with scathing criticism

Sobadokoro Kikuya


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I went to the shop of Okinawa soba “soba Kikuya” located in Tahara Naha Koroku Station near Yui Rail. This restaurant is open on lunch time only. However, it is a convenient location that Koroku Station near. Furthermore, there are firmly also parking. So, You can went to this shop while working. This is one that I ate.

kikuya soba

Thai is “Kikuyasoba”. This soba is included Soki meats, cartilage Soki meats and porks. According to the review site, Zenzai is also seems delicious. Maybe I’ll have gotten you come on a hot day.

Check the official site of Sobadokoro Kikuya
Check the other sites of Sobadokoro Kikuya
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