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Kaiyo-Syokudo @ Tomigusuku | OkinawaOishi.com

Introduce to restaurants and cafes with scathing criticism

Kaiyo-Syokudo @ Tomigusuku


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Okinawan Stir Fry With Bitter Gourd (Goya Chanpuru) @ Kaiyo-Syokudo


Kaiyo-Syokudo is one of Okinawa’s local food’s restaurant. The food is

tabelog gurunavi アナタのおすすめメニューを投稿しよう!口コミ・ メニューランキング

Kaiyo-Syokudo information

Name Kaiyo-Syokudo (海洋食堂)
Category Dining (Syokudo)
Adress 192-10, Nakachi, Tomigusuku, Okinawa, 901-0235, Japan
TEL 098-850-2443
Access Near Nakachi-Interchange at
Open Monday – Saturday 10:00 – 19:30
Close Sunday
Seating capacity 44
Accepted payments Cash
Parking Yes
There is some parking in front of restaurant and some parking back of this restaurant.
Recommended Menu Okinawa-Soba big “Okinawa-Soba Dai” (沖縄そば 大) : 600yen
“Tamago-Soba Dai” (たまごそば 大) : 600yen
“juusii” (じゅうしい) : 150yen
“Zenzai” (ぜんざい) : 250yen


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